Sunday, November 30, 2008

A painful end to Thanksgiving Weekend..

Well, Thanksgiving was great! And then on our way back from having dinner at my Dad's house in Cordova, not 2 minutes from our house, we get hit by a truck full of teenagers. We had the right of way on Rosemark Rd. and they were stopped on Tracy Rd. The driver stopped but only looked to her left we were coming from her right. And she just proceeded to go straight on Tracy Rd. crossing right in front of us. Tom had zero time to react. It hurt pretty bad on impact, but no one was hurt. Tom and I are pretty sore today though. I think I was mostly mad because I haven't even had that van for 6 months. The kids were fine just scared. Being that it is Thanksgiving weekend I am extremely thankful that no one was really hurt, in our car or the other car. Heavenly Father was watching over us. Hope everyone's break was nicer and less eventful than ours.


Amy Coontz said...


So glad you are all fine!!

Amber Chappell said...

Wow! I'm so glad you guys are alright. That totally sucks! Did you have to go to the hospital and have the baby checked out or anything?

The Combs said...

That night the paramedics took my vitals and everything and they were all normal, so I just wanted to go home. Addison was hysterical for a while and I just wanted to be sure I went home with them. I had the baby checked out yesterday and all is perfect!

Jenny said...

WOW!!! I am glad that you are all okay. I was thinking about the baby while I read this. I am glad to hear everything is okay there too!

jay&mary said...

So grateful y'all are okay. So scary! I was in a wreck right after I got pregnant with Bradley it was so scary.Keep us up to date on things. Love you guys.